uploads/right hand.jpg

right hand n.1.親信;得力的助手。2.〔古語〕有實權的地位;榮譽...

right hander

Here we go . right hand , left foot . left foot , right hand 我們走右手左腳左腳右手

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand 我會用我正義的右手支持你們

Bloom placing his right hand on his testicles , swears 將右手放在睪丸上,宣誓215 。

I shouidn ' t pick up the bottie of miik with my right hand 我不應該用右手拿起牛奶瓶

After a second ) on your right hand side is the kitchen 一會兒之后)在右邊的是用廚房

Link in the right hand side of the dialog 對話框后,右鍵單擊該對話框右邊的

I shouldn ' t pick up the bottle of milk with my right hand 我不應該用右手拿起牛奶瓶

Scan log details will be shown on the right hand side 詳細的掃描記錄便會顯示出來。

The one on the right hand side was the reference object ,右手邊是他指定的參考物。

Your ball is on the path on the right hand side 你的球在右手邊的球車路上。

Industry is fortune ' s right hand , and frugality her left 節儉和勤奮是幸運的左右手

But joe gould claims braddock ' s right hand is fine 但是喬聲稱布洛克的右手已經好了

I only use my right hand in table tennis 譯文:我在打乒乓球的時候只用右手。

Which hand of yours is holding the scrub ? right hand 你用左手還是右手?右手

Hold the wheel in your right hand , as i told you 像我告訴你那樣,用右手把輪子握住

That big right hand of his has dynamite in it . . 他那只右拳象有炸藥在里面… …

You are the key , the right hand of doom 你就是那鑰匙,就是你那毀滅一切的右手

Your right hand is the counterpart of your left hand 你的右手和你的左手互相配對

Need word that can be typed only with right hand Disney好像沒了pixar就啥都不是了